Category Archives: DataViz

Time Lapse Maps of Residential Property Completion North of Chicago

Watch Cook County Grow over time!
Northern Triennial Townships. Residential Property Age visualized over time. Data ranges over 100 years. Data Source

Assessment dataset used by the Cook County Assessor in their Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) system used to assess residential properties in Northern Triennial Townships.



New York City Drug Crime Map Visualizations

The data is collected by the New York Police Department. It can be found here To create the maps below, the dataset titled “NYPD Complaint Data Historic” was filtered down by the calcification of “Dangerous Drugs”. Carto was used to render maps.

[1261×341] Point map of incidents with screening. Click to enlarge.

[1585×1501] Heat map of incidents. Click to enlarge.

[935×837] Categorical point map by suspect’s race. Click to enlarge.

[800×668] Heatmap animation. 2008 – 2017 excluding Marijuana. Click to play.

Map of Chicago created by Traffic Crashes 2016 – 2018

Point and heat maps of Chicago created by plotting coordinates of traffic crashes. Time range used, spans from January 2016 through September 2018. The data can be found at

Crash data shows information about each traffic crash on city streets within the City of Chicago limits and under the jurisdiction of Chicago Police Department (CPD).

Click on map images below to enlarge.

Subreddit Relationships by Mods (The_Donald, AgainstHateSubreddits, and TheBanOut2018)

I thought it would be interesting to see how specific subreddits are related to one another by their mods.

Here is an example of a single mod to many sub relationship.

Three root subreddits where chosen: r/The_Donald, r/AgainstHateSubreddits, and r/TheBanOut2018. Below are wordclouds showing what other subreddits share the same mods as the root subreddit. The font size is the scale for how many mods from the root sub are in another sub. The larger the font, the more mods they share with the root sub. For AHS and TheBanOut2018 clouds a mod relationship less than 4 where filtered out.

Click on images below for higher resolution.