Subreddit Relationships by Mods (The_Donald, AgainstHateSubreddits, and TheBanOut2018)

I thought it would be interesting to see how specific subreddits are related to one another by their mods.

Here is an example of a single mod to many sub relationship.

Three root subreddits where chosen: r/The_Donald, r/AgainstHateSubreddits, and r/TheBanOut2018. Below are wordclouds showing what other subreddits share the same mods as the root subreddit. The font size is the scale for how many mods from the root sub are in another sub. The larger the font, the more mods they share with the root sub. For AHS and TheBanOut2018 clouds a mod relationship less than 4 where filtered out.

Click on images below for higher resolution.

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