Plotting number of subreddits moderated within top 1,000 most subscribed subs, vs. Subreddit Subscriber Aggregate.
Click on images below to enlarge.
The data is from and C# was written to parse both websites and generate output formatted for a GoogleCharts Bubble Chart. This script was ran on 5/14/2020.
If you would like to parse the top 1,000 most subscribed-to subreddit mod usernames, and aggregate their frequency yourself. Feel free to download visual studio and run the code below in a simple .NET Console Application. Of course this being a hard parse it is only bound to work so long as redditlist and reddit don’t change their html structure, otherwise it can be used as a reference.
Collect the middle column for the first 8 pages listing 125 each.
Iterate over each subreddit’s /about/moderators page and collect usernames shown below.
Regular Expression patterns used to collect information:
@"_blank(.*?)</div>" @">(.*?)</a>" @"listing-stat'>(.*?)</span>" @"<span class=""user""><a href=""*?)/" |
C# .NET Console Application
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace RedditMegaModBubbleParse { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Dictionary<string, int> dictSub_SubscriberCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(); //PARSE TOP 1000 Subreddit names and subscribers// List<string> top500Subreddits = new List<string>(); for (int page = 1; page < 9; page++) { WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string htmlString = wc.DownloadString("" + page); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(htmlString, @"_blank(.*?)</div>", RegexOptions.Singleline); int count = 0; foreach (Match match in matches) { if (count > 125 && count <= 250) { Console.WriteLine(count); string sHtmlChunk = match.Groups[1].Value; Match mSubName = Regex.Match(sHtmlChunk, @">(.*?)</a>"); Match mSubscriberCount = Regex.Match(sHtmlChunk, @"listing-stat'>(.*?)</span>"); if (mSubName.Success && mSubscriberCount.Success) { string sSubName = mSubName.Groups[1].Value; Console.WriteLine("Subreddit Name : " + sSubName); string sSubscriberCount = mSubscriberCount.Groups[1].Value; int iSubscriberCount = int.Parse(Regex.Replace(sSubscriberCount, ",", "")); Console.WriteLine("Subreddit Count : " + iSubscriberCount); dictSub_SubscriberCount.Add(sSubName, iSubscriberCount); } Console.WriteLine(); } count += 1; } } Dictionary<string, int> dictModCount = new Dictionary<string, int>(); Dictionary<string, int> dictModSubscriberAggregate = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int count_sub = 0; foreach (string subreddit_name in dictSub_SubscriberCount.Keys) { try { count_sub += 1; Console.WriteLine("*** Subreddit " + count_sub + " ~~~ " + "[" + subreddit_name + "] ***"); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); string subreddit_clean = Regex.Replace(subreddit_name, " ", ""); string url_glue = "" + subreddit_clean + "/about/moderators"; Console.WriteLine(url_glue); string htmlString = wc.DownloadString(url_glue); MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(htmlString, @"<span class=""user""><a href=""*?)/", RegexOptions.Singleline); foreach (Match match in matches) { Console.WriteLine(match.Groups[1].Value); string modname = match.Groups[1].Value; if (dictModCount.ContainsKey(modname)) { int existingcount = dictModCount[modname]; existingcount += 1; dictModCount[modname] = existingcount; int existingSubscriberCount = dictModSubscriberAggregate[modname]; existingSubscriberCount += dictSub_SubscriberCount[subreddit_name]; dictModSubscriberAggregate[modname] = existingSubscriberCount; } else { dictModCount.Add(modname, 1); dictModSubscriberAggregate.Add(modname, dictSub_SubscriberCount[subreddit_name]); } } } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR ACCESSING SUBREDDIT INVITE ONLY!!!!!!!"); } } Console.WriteLine(); string masteroutput = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> item in dictModCount.OrderByDescending(key => key.Value)) { Console.WriteLine("['"+item.Key + "', " + item.Value+", "+ dictModSubscriberAggregate[item.Key]+", '1' , "+ dictModSubscriberAggregate[item.Key] + " ],"); masteroutput += "['" + item.Key + "', " + item.Value + ", " + dictModSubscriberAggregate[item.Key] + ", '1' , " + dictModSubscriberAggregate[item.Key] + " ],\r\n"; } //save to C:\Airplanes\ StreamWriter streamWrite; streamWrite = File.AppendText("C:\\Airplanes\\output.txt"); streamWrite.WriteLine(masteroutput); streamWrite.Close(); Console.ReadLine(); } } } |
Congrats to the May 2020 top 50 Reddit Megamods
In order of the most subreddits modded within top 1,000 most subscribed-to subreddits.
AutoModerator MAGIC_EYE_BOT BotTerminator Blank-Cheque RepostSentinel cyXie Umbresp AssistantBOT BotDefense metastasis_d awkwardtheturtle LeafSamurai Merari01 IranianGenius commonvanilla GallowBoob N8theGr8 love_the_heat ManWithoutModem greatyellowshark justcool393 Lil_SpazJoekp siouxsie_siouxv2 SuzyModQ pHorniCaiTe babar77 PowerModerator maybesaydie davidreiss666 Sunkisty yummytuber SEO_Nuke PhlogistonAster daninger4995 kjoneslol sloth_on_meth ani625 Tornado9797 sidshembekar RalphiesBoogers RepostSleuthBot Noerdy stuffed02 whyhellomichael qgyh2 Llim ModeratelyHelpfulBot EpicEngineer T_Dumbsford Kesha_Paul
Could you add a version of the script without the bots?