Once again, the data is from City of Chicago Data portal
The dataset details 2014 Budget Recommendations, which is the line-item budget document proposed by the Mayor to the City Council for approval. Budgeted expenditures are identified by department, appropriation account, and funding type: Local, Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), and other Grants. “Local” funds refer to those line items that are balanced with locally-generated revenue sources, including but not limited to the Corporate Fund, Water Fund, Midway and O’Hare Airport funds, Vehicle Tax Fund, Library Fund and General Obligation Bond funds. Owner: Budget and Management. Frequency: Data is updated annually. For more information about the budget process, visit the Budget Documents page:
Here is a breakdown of the 2014 recommendations compared with revised 2013 appropriations by department.
Over 10 million dollars and excluding Finance General
Breakdown of Financial General
Police Breakdown excluding Corporate Fund
City of Chicago Budget – 2014 Budget Recommendations vs 2013 Revised Appropriations OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL (APPROPRIATION AUTHORITY) by APPROPRIATION ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION