Compare the content/objects of two String Arrays. Loop through them comparing every element from one Array to another.
public class twoArrays
public static void main(String[] args)
//populate the arrays
String [] arrayA =
String [] arrayB =
{“fox”,”wolf”,”bear”, “7”,”cheese”,”spider”,”paper”,”cat”};
//loop through the contents of arrayA
//and comparing each element to each element in arrayB
//switch variable used to indicate whether a match was found
boolean foundSwitch = false;
//outer loop for all the elements in arrayA[i]
for(int i = 0; i < arrayA.length; i++)
//inner loop for all the elements in arrayB[j]
for (int j = 0; j < arrayB.length;j++)
//compare arrayA to arrayB and output results
if( arrayA[i].equals(arrayB[j]))
foundSwitch = true;
System.out.println( “arrayA element \”” + arrayA[i] + “\” was found in arrayB” );
if (foundSwitch == false)
System.out.println( “arrayA element \”” + arrayA[i] + “\” was Not found in arrayB” );
//set foundSwitch bool back to false
foundSwitch = false;
Thanks, it helped me a lot
Instead of doing by yourself, you can use Arrays equals, deepEquals method to compare two Array in Java. They will also take care of nested array and object array.
Thank you so much, this help me a lot.
How i can use compareto Method to get a new complete array for the above question:
String [] arrayA = {”cat”, “dog”,”wolf”};
String [] arrayB = {“fox”,”spider”,”paper”};
String[] arrayC = {arrayA.length+ arrayB.length}
you campare one by one to get array C using compareTo method.
public class Opdracht {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String [] A = {“Ali”,”Jareon”,”Sara”};
String [] B = {“Ceon”,”Rene”,”Peter”};
String [] C = new String[A.length + B.length];
int i ;
int k ;
int n ;
for(i = 0; i < A.length; i ++) {
for(n = 0; n < A.length && n < B.length ; n ++ ) {
for( k = 0; k < B.length; k++) {
System.out.println(A[i].compareToIgnoreCase(B[k]) + "");
what am i doing weong?
I’m not sure what you’re trying to do here.
What do you want this new complete array to be populated with? The results from the compareTo method?
thanks for this , it help me a lot in my Java-Programming final Project. Thanks for the idea.
How can I compare if 1 is equal to 0? the input is in txt file (notepad)
Not Equal!
Not Equal!
Thank you so much for this! So useful for my project.
However, I am having one issue… the console is outputting multiple lines for each result. On yours there is only one line per value, but mine is giving loads…
Thank You
This post is exactly what I was looking for!
I needed to compare all members of 2 string arrays, but I didn’t know how to point out exclusive values found in one array only. That boolean does the trick, clever!