The data is from
C# Console Application written to parse the csv dataset and create json output for a google charts line graph.
string line_player; System.IO.StreamReader fileCandid = new System.IO.StreamReader(@"C:\BASEBALL\Salaries.csv"); Dictionary<string, long> dictYear_Sal = new Dictionary<string, long>(); Dictionary<string, long> dictYear_Count = new Dictionary<string, long>(); while ((line_player = fileCandid.ReadLine()) != null) { Console.WriteLine(line_player); string[] parts = line_player.Split(','); try { //year Console.WriteLine(parts[0]); //sal Console.WriteLine(parts[4]); string year = parts[0]; int salary = int.Parse(parts[4]); if ( dictYear_Sal.ContainsKey(year) ) { long existing_salary = dictYear_Sal[year]; existing_salary += salary; dictYear_Sal[year] = existing_salary; long e_count = dictYear_Count[year]; e_count += 1; dictYear_Count[year] = e_count; } else { dictYear_Sal.Add(year, salary); dictYear_Count.Add( year,1); } } catch (Exception x) { } } var list = dictYear_Sal.Keys.ToList(); list.Sort(); string output = ""; foreach (var key in list) { output += "['"+key+"', "+ ( dictYear_Sal[key] / dictYear_Count[key] )+"],\r\n" ; } StreamWriter streamWrite; streamWrite = File.AppendText("C:\\Airplanes\\BASEBALLEWWW.txt"); streamWrite.WriteLine(output); streamWrite.Close(); |